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When it comes to home heating solutions, every person has their preferences. Purists like the sight of flames and the crackling sound of burning wood, while modernists prefer the convenience and ease of gas heaters.

Regardless of your choice, both guarantee protection against chilly weather. Read on to discover the differences between gas and wood-fired heaters.

What is a Wood Heater?

A wood heater is an appliance that generates heat by burning wood enclosed in a fire chamber. This equipment has a chimney that allows smoke to escape into the atmosphere.

Advantages of Wood-Fired Heaters

Here are the top benefits of wood fireplaces.

Energy Efficiency

Wood-fired heaters are energy-efficient. An open fireplace has a 25% efficiency, while a wood heater has 80% efficiency. This means that they can heat larger spaces with fewer wood planks.

Also, wood is cheaper than other energy sources, such as gas and electricity. For example, wood can be 20% cheaper than electricity and 33% cheaper than fossil fuels.

Decorative and Stylish

Besides keeping you warm in winter, wood heaters are attractive. Installing one into your room makes it the centre of attraction and adds elegance and sophistication.

A wood-fired heater remains beautiful, even when it’s idle. Furthermore, wood heaters are available in many styles, allowing you to choose a design that matches your home décor.

Supports a Healthy Lifestyle

Most people who own wood-burning heaters cut the wood themselves, using axes, chainsaws, or wood splitters. Regardless, chopping wood is an intense physical activity.

Being active is crucial to your overall well-being, especially muscular strength and cardiovascular health. If you’re a fan of survivorship TV shows, you’ll notice that most participants engage in activities like wood chopping.

Additionally, chopping wood means that you get physically active. This means that you can exercise at your pace, which is excellent.


Besides keeping you warm, do you know that your wood-fired heater can perform other things? For example, wood-fired heaters are versatile and can be a valuable substitute for your coffee pot or cooker.

It would be best to have a cast-iron pot for heating water or preparing your favourite beverage. You can also use the heater for preparing light meals.

The versatility of wood-burning heaters saves you money, as you can cook and keep warm simultaneously. It also prolongs the lifespan of your cooking appliances because you don’t use them often.


Due to advanced technology, power outages are no longer a common occurrence. However, winters can get harsh and result in unexpected blackouts. If you’re dependent on electricity or natural gas, you might find yourself in a cold, chilly home.

One of the most significant advantages of wood over other energy sources is reliability. If you have wood in stock, you won’t have to worry about gas and electricity outages resulting from harsh weather conditions. However, you need to keep the wood in a dry area.

Disadvantages of Wood Heaters

The most significant drawback of wood heating is its adverse effects on the environment. Wood burning produces carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases contributing to global warming. Also, wood from unsustainable sources is a leading cause of deforestation.

Moreover, wood-fired heaters are demanding. You must clean the fire chamber to remove soot and ashes to maintain the equipment’s efficiency.

What is a Gas Heater?

A gas heater is a more convenient alternative to wood-fired heaters. Instead of wood, it relies on natural gas to heat your home, usually supplied by a pipe.

Gas heaters are easier to operate and maintain. You can turn them on with a button, and you don’t need to sweep because it doesn’t produce ash.

Benefits of Gas Fireplaces

Here are the advantages of gas heaters.


Natural gas is more cost-effective than wood. Although it depends on the condition and cleanliness of your plumbing and equipment, gas heaters consume fewer fuel units and last longer than other heating solutions.


Additionally, natural gas is a cleaner energy source than wood. It emits less carbon dioxide and water vapour (up to 30% less). By choosing gas over wood, you reduce your carbon footprint.


Like wood, gas is a reliable source during adverse weather conditions. Most natural gas lines run underground, making them less susceptible to harsh weather like heavy rain, windstorms, and flooding. In addition, it takes an earthquake or a hazard of the same magnitude to interrupt the supply to your home. As a result, you’ll have continuous heating whenever you need it.


Gas is versatile – besides heating, you can connect a burner and grill and use them for cooking. It’s way better than electricity and wood because it takes a shorter time to heat up, allowing you to cook faster. It also gives you better control over the amount of heat.


As mentioned above, gas heaters get warmer faster than electric heaters. The ambient temperature produced by gas heaters guarantees comfort without much adjustment, and you can tone it down or increase it to reach your desired level.

Increased Home Value

Gas heating systems increase the perceived value of your home. Prospective buyers know the benefits of gas heating and are more likely to match your asking price because of such systems’ convenience, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.

Disadvantages of Gas Heaters

Despite its convenience, gas heating has its demerits. First, gas is flammable – a small leak in the supply lines can cause fire, resulting in injury and property loss. It’s why you must conduct a routine inspection to determine the integrity of your system.

Secondly, gas heaters don’t warm up large areas like their wood-fired counterparts. As a result, they’re ideal for small rooms and confined spaces.

Which is Better?

Ultimately, it depends on your preference. Gas heaters are convenient, while wood-fired heaters give your home a rustic, timeless appeal.

On the downside, wood heaters are messy and require maintenance, whereas gas heaters are riskier.

Whether you like gas or wood, Sydney Heaters has the best solution to your heating needs. So, if you need to warm your home this winter, contact us today.

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